Portrait of a newborn.

CARING by Henner


“Caring” is part of the Henner DNA.
Our innate values form the core of this DNA.
These are behind the bond of trust that unites us with all our customers, partners and beneficiaries.


Pictogram representing a person whose head has been replaced by a loudspeaker.

We were born out of an entrepreneurial venture begun over 70 years ago, and we remain an independent group with strong values today. 

At Henner, we are driven by protecting the interests of our customers and beneficiaries. 

We uphold this conviction with unwavering commitment every day. It guides every choice we make, whether strategic or operational.


Pictogram representing a person whose head has been replaced by a heart.

All our customers and beneficiaries are entitled to the same level of care, whatever their situation and contract type. At Henner, we are there to provide specific answers to all our customers, whether businesses, private individuals, self-employed people, partners and brokers – but also to anticipate the needs of our policyholders in order to make their lives easier.

We are there where we are not expected.


Pictogram representing a person whose head has been replaced by an eye.

We are here to help our customers, companies, international organizations, private individuals, self-employed people, partners, brokers) and, of course, our beneficiaries, every day. We listen to them and support them. Our wide range of expertise and our worldwide presence enable us to understand all lifestyles and their specific features. 

Our role is to read between the lines as to better understand the needs of everyone.


Pictogram representing a person whose head has been replaced by an illuminated bulb.

Our story was built on the creativity of our teams and that is even more true today.

At Henner, we create standard solutions that of course meet requirements of the markets we serve. But what happens if the solution does not exist? We tailor one!

The more specific the situation, the greater our opportunity to innovate, to make the difference and to satisfy our customers.


Beyond the solutions implemented to protect our policyholders,
we are committed to supporting causes we believe in.